Doctrinal Statement

The Scriptures

The Bible, all sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments, in the original autographs, is the Inspired Word of God, a supernaturally given revelation from God Himself without error, defect or misstatement in its moral and spiritual teachings, as well as in matters of science and history. It is without error of any kind, having been uniquely verbally inspired by God in its entirety, and preserved, and is the complete revelation of God to man for faith and practice. As such, the Bible is supremely authoritative and sufficient in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Godhead - Trinity

There is only one true God, an infinite Spirit, eternally existing and manifesting Himself in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are all equal in power and glory, identical in nature, attributes and perfections, and are worthy of the same worship, devotion and obedience.

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ is uniquely the eternal Son of God, a divine Person possessing all the attributes of Deity. Of His own choice, He became in every respect a real man without ceasing to be God, and was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and lived a unique sinless life. By His voluntary death on the cross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect and complete atonement for sin by which the wrath of God against sinners is appeased and a ground furnished upon which God can righteously and graciously deal with sinners. Jesus died in our place to make possible reconciliation with God and the forgiveness of sins. He was bodily resurrected from the dead, ascended into heaven and exalted to sit at the right hand of God, where, as High Priest, He now ministers as our Representative, Advocate and Intercessor.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity who convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He regenerates and indwells all believing sinners, baptizing them into the body of Christ, the Church, sealing them unto the day of redemption, and distributing spiritual gifts for service according to His sovereign will, all at the moment of salvation. He is the agent of the immediate and progressive sanctification of the believer.


God created man in His image and likeness. Though originally without sin, the whole human race fell in the fall of the first Adam. As a result, all men are lost, inherit a depraved nature, are spiritually separated from God and subject to physical and eternal death and, apart from the grace of God, unable to change their spiritual status.


Through the instrumentality of the Word of God, individuals are justified on the simple and single ground of the substitutionary, sacrificial death of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith alone in Christ alone and His atoning work for them. Salvation is therefore wholly the gracious gift of God and not in any way the result of human works or transformation. Through their union with Christ, the saved immediately possess all spiritual blessings and are complete in Christ. All who genuinely trust Christ become children of God, heirs of eternal life, are kept by God’s power and are eternally secure.

The Church

The Church consists of all those who have truly placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. This universal body is to manifest itself in local, autonomous assemblies for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples, worshipping God, prayer, fellowship and Christian service. Christ is the Head of the Church, through which He works to accomplish the purposes of the Godhead – Trinity.